Join Jasmine for a fiery full body 45 minute barre class. We’ll use a resistance band throughout today’s class to create tension and let you really feel that burn AND this playlist!
Reader Interactions
Jasmine J
Class Length:
54 Minutes
What You'll Need:
- mat
- small weights
- resistance band
Workout Level:
all levels
comment on this workout!
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All of me is burned OUT after this class! Amazing playlist. <3 says
Great class and I loved the playlist! I took a number of dance breaks. says
Having Beyonce in the room really made me work harder! Loved this class! says
Great music and great class! says
Jasmine, you are a ray of sunshine!! Thank you for encouraging us through that great class! says
Amazing class thank you so much! those planks and push ups – whooo. says
Great class, Jasmine! Your instruction is really good, I felt every muscle group burn and get a good work out, and my goodness that push-up/plank/side plank series was killer. And the music was great and actually helped motivate me.
Joey Ryan says
Whooo! Bringing the fire, Jasmine! says
Saving this class to see if I can eventually do it without taking a million breaks… Jasmine, how do you remain so calm and collected and comforting throughout all that burn?! I am in awe. Great playlist, too.
Lindsay Leva says
Saved this class for last based on all the comments. Was not disappointed, definitely gonna feel it tomorrow. Awesome class. says
This class is insane! How did you not break? Whole body is dead need more of your classes!!
Denise Federico says
I wish you would post classes every week, I love your classes. This one was great! says
Oof I forgot how brutal this class is!
Catherine Moroney says
This was fantastic! A great start to the week!!
Erica Roccia says
Loved this class!!!!! great 45 minutes