Celebrate Black history month with a full body barre class while listening to some of the musical movers and shakers, past and present, in African-American culture. Be prepared to have fun and celebrate through movement and music!
Reader Interactions
Khandi W
Class Length:
45 Minutes
What You'll Need:
- mat
- small weights
- ball
Workout Level:
all levels
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katiecutsyourhair@gmail.com says
Great knowledge, great music, strong
class!! I really enjoyed every minute! Thanks Khandi!!
Callie K says
Loved all of the cardio bursts! Khandi, thank you for a burner (and for those butt kicks)! Also..what a playlist!
Joey Ryan says
Love the history and playlist and bursts are
! Thanks, Khandi!
Kelly Darrenkamp says
Playlist was on point!
Charlotte Merrick says
This class was great! It went by so fast. Thank you!
julia.czech2@gmail.com says
Great class and music! And a bonus cute dog!
Karen Anderson says
Wonderful class! Just what I needed this morning.
Lindsay Leva says
Great class and playlist. Loved the twists with Sam Cooke! and Hershey of course.