Join Callie for a shred to remember! You will leave this class with many questions – 1. Who is the teacher with the high pony and sassy leopard/cheetah/jaguar bra? 2. Who came up with those cross leggy plies? and 3. Is Carly speaking to Callie after her time out? We’ll do a fun warmup and move into the worst barre series. Abs and arms are juicy and quick and then we work the backside of our cores!
Reader Interactions
Callie K
Class Length:
49 Minutes
What You'll Need:
- mat
- small weights
- ball
- barre or chair
Workout Level:
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Ohhhh Callie, I’m loving this Sporty Spice look for you!! So good! And such a great class! My legs are not happy with me right now but my back is! Thanks!!
Callie K says
I’m so glad! That lower back work seems easy…but is not. I was sore (in a good way). I’ve been trying to do those back exercises a few times a week after work. And heck yes SPORTY SPICE that is so cool!
Catherine Moroney says
That was super fun! Great class!
Joey Ryan says
Whoa! Great burn. says
Great class! And yes, so much dog hair in my masks!! says
OMG my quads!! Your classes have kept me laughing through the quarantine, especially your menagerie of pets and their antics and all the funny stories. Thanks for keeping it real, no photoshopped plastic ‘perfect’ here (not at my house either
) Bad karma headed her way!
Emily Hostetter says
Thank you!! Such a great class! You should check out Old Spice Pure Sport (High Endurance) deodorant. All of Old Spice’s deodorants are aluminum free and work so well!