Join Callie for a shred that gives your upper body a rest! No weights necessary, woohoo! Buttttt your whole lower body may be numb. There’s some fun cardio pushes throughout – take em if you want! Also, you’ll see Roger has a new friend on the wall.
Reader Interactions
Callie K
Class Length:
50 Minutes
What You'll Need:
- mat
- resistance band
- barre or chair
Workout Level:
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Ok, hi Callie!! a)amazing class b) Robyn “I’m in the corner” ok I don’t actually know the title but you know that song right? It’s sad but dancy C) roger is adorable and I honestly was wondering if you took the painting from point breeze and if it would make a return once you were reopened. D) requests for challenges, more cardio barre and more shred! Thanks!
Callie K says
YESS TO ALL OF IT! Forgot about the Robyn song – that’s a goodie! Roger will be in PB. He will always be in PB.
Ooh maybe for January we have a month-long challenge with cardio barre and shred. I’ll get started on that!! says
Only Callie could get me to take this class and finish it. Whew!!
Callie K says
You took it and finished it (you didn’t need me)! Brush those shoulders off! Also hope your side butt feels happy says
OOOH jelly legs as promised. This was a serious class! Thank you. Loved it as always. There is never a bad class here.
I ditto the above comment re: cardiobarre and barreshred (love the longer classes) plus if I could add a small request for barre thighs / legs – really burny, lengthy stuff – whoop. That’s my barre Christmas wish list.
Callie K says
xxx says
Ugh. Dead.
I’d like to see cardio barre without lengthy planks. I have wrist and shoulder issues that make planks hard for me, especially “fancy” planks, like mountain climbers.
Callie K says
My legs were so jelly after this class. Thanks for taking it even though you knew the dead was coming!
And re: planks, great feedback! We’ll add some cardio barre without planks. Some folks who have wrist issues prefer to do planks (on forearms) on an incline so there’s less pressure – perhaps you could use the side of a couch or reading chair (or just skip ’em!). says
Lots of lies in this class. Almost done..and then a hold for like 30 seconds?! What the heck?!
Callie K says
lol oops??? I won’t lie next time, I promise! says
Sad dance songs: Halsey, “You Should be Sad” and Avicii, “Lonely Together”
Callie K says
Ooh yesss…I’ve danced to both of those!! says
Thank you for class! Here are a few Sad Songs I have found myself dancing to!
“Dancing on my own” – Robyn
“Happier” – Marshmellow ft. Bastille
“Somebody that I used to know” – depends on the way you’re moving but I have definitely danced to that before!
“One Last Time” – Ariana Grande
… and probably most of the songs on the Lemonade album?!
Callie K says
You’re so right! I’ve also danced to the somebody that I used to know song – there’s even a dance remix. I had forgotten all of these!
Also, yes, the entire lemonade album. says
“Sad Tonight” by Chelsea Cutler (a queen!!) is one of my personal favorites! Thanks for this workout and burst of confidence – just what I needed this afternoon <3
Callie K says
ooh I don’t know that one. Will listen tonight!
Joey Ryan says
Very late to the party and this burning workout! Wine and cheese are the way to go, Callie!