Join Callie for a quickie full body cardio class! You’ll jump right in to an upper body and squat series and then speed things up. We’ll talk bears, survival instincts, and the perfect death story. You’ll have the chance to leave this earth with a few hops, but you do not have to! This one is quick but will wake you up and leave ya feeling ready for life.
Send Simeon away.
Charlotte Merrick says
This one really puts the sweat in SWEATember! Have fun with the bears, Callie! says
I LOVE mustang sally. My grandfather would tell me that back in the day they called Wilson Pickett “ Wicked Pickett” because he was stealing women and had a temper
…also, don’t get eaten by a bear. If you do, I’ll tell your story. -Dee
Callie K says
Dee I love that! I’m loling at Wicked Pickett!!
I didn’t get eaten by lylas for being willing to share my death story says
dripping! i will take Carly if you get eaten by a bear!
Catherine Moroney says
Loved this! Brought my energy level way up!
Erica Roccia says
Sweatingggg after this one! says