Can you do cardio without standing? We’ll test it here! We’ll work our core, tush, back, and upper body in this holy-moly-this-is-efficient all mat class. Feel free to go slower if that feels better for you! No equipment needed, perfect if you’re traveling.
Reader Interactions
Callie K
Class Length:
29 Minutes
What You'll Need:
- mat
Workout Level:
all levels
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Erica Roccia says
Whoa! What was that class!??
almost took my dog out with the rolls
fun class!
(I unpack and start laundry as soon as I get home from a trip. Doesn’t matter what time of day/night)
Callie K says
Okay a. How do you do it?! I need your laundry unpacking motivation.
I only recently started unpacking as soon as we get home – and I have to say, I never want to do it, but it’s worth it (to me!) to wake up and have it done!
MY ABS!!!!!
Callie K says
Meanwhile my suitcase sits open on my bedroom floor reminding me of my failure
I want to grow up and be like you!
And yesss core ded glad you took this one!!
Charlotte Merrick says
WHO CAME UP WITH THIS?? Welcome back, Callie!
Callie K says
It me
I’m the problem, it’s me
sloane bochman says
I had too much fun with the roly poly!
Callie K says
SLOANE!! Your comments are giving me life lol loved imagining you laughing during roly poly
Hallie F says
that was so fun!! I have been taking all of your mat only classes recently and they have been a life saver!! (also, I unpack IMMEDIATELY!) I just throw everything in the laundry lol – it’s the easiest way
Callie K says
I need more of you in my life
Hallie F says