Join Callie for the perfect class. It’s perfect. 25 minutes and it has everything – cardio, upper body, a good barre series and good stretches. You’re welcome.
Reader Interactions
Callie K
Class Length:
24 Minutes
What You'll Need:
- mat
- small weights
- ball
- barre or chair
Workout Level:
all levels
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Erica Roccia says
Loved this class!! The ab series with ball behind head says
A perfect class! Also controversial opinion I am a freak who loves that stretchy bind
Callie K says
Stretchy bind lovers around the world unite
It makes my leg feel like it might pop off, i wish i had love for it tho
Meagan G says
Great class! And the guest stars were tops. says
I couldn’t do the stretch that grabbed the foot behind! CRAMPS! #goals
Lindsay Leva says
It’s been way too long since i did a class. This was a great one to come back too. Hope you had an amazing day!!
Catherine Moroney says
This was very energizing and loved the new moves to me. Couldn’t lift my foot off the floor on bindy stretch. Maybe next time!
Annabella Lyn says
“shes awesome” – momma lyn
Callie K says
Printed this and hung on my fridge