Join Callie in the Haverford studio for a banger! We won’t leave the mat for this one, but do not let that deter you. This is a tough class. We work deep in pretzel and your butts will be happy. You need a ball (or roll of paper towels). Enjoy!
Reader Interactions
Callie K
Class Length:
41 Minutes
What You'll Need:
- mat
- ball
Workout Level:
all levels
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Thank you for this class Callie – loved it. Pretzel is my favourite floor barre move ;-). Butt is happy.
Callie K says
Pretzel is my fave too, I never want to admit it! hard to pick a favorite! says
Great class – pretzel was butt cramp city and the scissors at the end! Dying!
Callie K says
The scissors make a comeback in an upcoming class….core and arms. Ded but love them
Catherine Moroney says
Charlie horse central! I’m so happy I got through it all. Awesome work out! I feel stronger already! Thanks!!
Callie K says
the charlie horses were so intense in this class! Glad you liked and YES TO FEELING STRONGER!!! says
The workout was great but where can I find those vegan pork rinds?
Callie K says
Pig Out Pigless Pork Rinds! The best snack. Love the hella hot and the original flavors (all are good even nacho cheese lol)
Corey R says
Ooof I legit grunted in those roll ups ha. Thanks for a great class. And I’m always here for all the vegan junk food recs!
Laurel Brown says
Great class! FYI – I was able to do this class with a sprained ankle. So if anyone is looking for a hurt foot friendly workout – I thought this was a great option