Join Callie for a flow focused on the adductors (inner thighs), pelvic floor and core! We’ll focus on connecting breath to movement to maximize engagement. There’s a wee bit of cardio during the warm up and upper body series but if you stick around, you’ll roll like a ball in a couple different ways. Core is juicy
Reader Interactions
Callie K
Class Length:
43 Minutes
What You'll Need:
- mat
- small weights
- ball
- barre or chair
Workout Level:
all levels
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Erica Roccia says
My inner thighs were already so sore
great feel good class!
Ann says
Jim here. omg yay thanks xoxox
Ann says
this is jim again, thanks again! says
Loved this class…
-dee says
Great class! I adore when your pets participate. It’s too cute! says
So this was awesome…I was livin my best life in my best sports bra on this one!!!! Whoomp, there it is!
-Dee says
I LOVED this class so much. I started to put on a class that was all mat work and decided I really felt more like big strong movements and this was perfect. The warm up was great, the arms felt really good, the barre work was hard and the core work was fun! The last Small Things class I did with inner thigh work had me hurting for days so I can’t even imagine how I will feel tomorrow. Also, I am wearing a gross too-worn out sports bra.
Did I miss something with the music that you’re back to royalty-free? Is this for good?
Callie K says
Yay so glad you liked it Annie! Your inner thighs may not like it tomorrow tho…or the next day…
I only use royalty free music when I plan to post the class to our youtube channel (to help bring in newbies)! Regular music will be back in other classes!