Join Callie for a class full of the small things. We’ll do a brief cardio warmup and then get right in. You’ll find some extra intensity in upper body work with the ball, and honestly, don’t ask about the barre sequence. You’ll get a greenhouse update, learn about ghost ships and finish with a butt series (and gyno story) that you will soon want to forget.
Reader Interactions
Callie K
Class Length:
47 Minutes
What You'll Need:
- mat
- small weights
- resistance band
- ball
- barre or chair
Workout Level:
all levels
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Charlotte Merrick says
What a burn! Great class!
One time my gyno started disparaging the City department I work for during a pap smear because we weren’t offering a free childcare program in addition to the one her kids already attended. Pretty sure she could afford a babysitter…and also, totally inappropriate.
Andreana Sherman says
Great class!
Oh I feel the frustration with doctors! I was told to “do more cardio” when I gained a few lbs, I switched doctors and come to find out I had a baseball size ovarian cyst which was causing it. Ugh so frustrating! says
Oh wow – lots of
in this one! Love it!!
Also just wanted to say thanks for sharing your own thoughts/questioning around the idea of being a parent. As someone who is unsure about what is right for me (and feels a lot of self-imposed pressure/guilt(?) about not knowing one way or the other at age 33, it’s comforting to know I’m not the only one struggling with this (I mean, I know of course I’m not, but to have someone else share their thoughts/process is reassuring.)
I’m not sure if it’s the same ghost ship reference you were making, but I’ve taken so much comfort from Cheryl Strayed’s advice ( and specifically this quote:

“I’ll never know, and neither will you, of the life you don’t choose. We’ll only know that whatever that sister life was, it was important and beautiful and not ours. It was the ghost ship that didn’t carry us. There’s nothing to do but salute it from the shore.”
Callie K says
Lauren, I’m just now seeing your comment! I’m so glad my sharing helped you feel less alone. Sometimes I struggle with sharing bc it feels self indulgent, narcissistic, etc but honestly I feel such great relief hearing that it resonated with you.
thank you for sharing too, makes me feel less alone (and less guilt, shame). I sometimes feel like an alien bc I don’t have the “i 1000% want to be a mom” gene – the unsure, could go either way feeling is confusing for me and feels like uncharted territory bc I usually know straightaway what is best for me.
I recently listened to Jameela Jamil’s podcast episode with the author (Ruby Warrington) who wrote “women without kids” and it was insightful, thought provoking. Sharing here in case you wanna have a listen
Also love the ghost ship quote from Cheryl Strayed
Erica Roccia says
Tuck IS the best environment! That’s why I take these classes from across the country! Couldn’t find a studio like it..
In other news, I probably shouldn’t have taken this class right before a big move back to the East coast! OUCH! (but it was soooo good)
Lindsay Leva says
Great class, so sweaty. Barre was brutal, but not as brutal as when they lost part of my old iud inside me. One simple iud swap turned into a 4 visit episode. Why do they not give us any pain meds???? Love that we can share this info here. says
Oof I was in even more pain listening to your IUD story!!! I’m so thankful that I have the best gyno ever, BUT I had my first IUD placed a few years ago, and it was about a week and a half after a terrible breakup that left me heartbrokennnn. My mom was wonderful and went with me to my appointment and held my hand the whole time, but after my doc and nurse finished, I broke down crying on the chair from the pain and the heartbreak. AND I had traveled to my parents’ to see this doctor done and forgot to pack underwear so we had to go out afterward and buy me granny panties
Horror movie idea: terrible IUD experiences 

Ann says
hiii great class thankssss cal pal