Sliders? For the first week of a challenge? Yup! It’s a tough test early on, but we know you can do it.
Reader Interactions
Callie K
Class Length:
28 Minutes
What You'll Need:
- small weights
- sliders
- barre or chair
Workout Level:
all levels
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Great start to 2023 my under butt was feeling it…also, just say no!” Who knew the DARE slogan would make its way into barre class

Callie K says
Dee hope your underbutt is feeling alive again!

Alexa Josaphouitch says
I thought of the lawnmower dance move as soon as we started that move, hahah! Also, your stories keep me distracted and in pose, so please continue to share!
Callie K says
Haha next time we’ll do the lawnmower dance for cardio! says
I love you, but my butt and legs hate you this morning
also tuck stickers courtesy of the Cricut??
Callie K says
I’m making stickers for all reasons, like i made it’s the weekend stickers
Catherine Moroney says
So nice did it twice! 2nd time through I was able to really clean up the movement. Now my butt is on fire. Thank Callie loved it!
Callie K says
Woohoo! Feel so honored you went back to it!