Enjoy this beautifully challenging class with Callie.
Reader Interactions
Callie K
Class Length:
34 Minutes
What You'll Need:
- mat
- small weights
- ball
- barre or chair
Workout Level:
all levels
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Charlotte Merrick says
Love Lake Street Dive! Saw them at the Mann last summer. They’re a great live band.
Did you see Jagged Little Pill when it came to the Kimmel Center? Amazing.
Callie K says
Ooh I bet they were so good! Lol had no idea whether they were a recent band or old band, good to know they are still making music
Omg and no! Jelly you saw
christinemrieck@gmail.com says
Lake Street Dive is amazing! We saw them the first time in 2016. Later that year they opened for Dave Matthews Band at the Gorge. We’ve seen them many, many times since. Their drummer, Mike Calabrese, is from Broomall, so they always hit the Philly area when they tour.
Hallie F says
definitely not easy!! I love simple too
Callie K says
Yay! Simple is just the best – get out of your head and just move. Glad you liked it (also lol at your butt today)
Catherine Moroney says
My cat really enjoyed the ab sequence! Any time I turn on your videos she reports directly to the mat!
brow7787@gmail.com says
Loved the playlist and the bun work
…also, automatic is a remake of the Pointer Sisters song
can we get an entire remake playlist
Emily Hostetter says
Immediately adding this to my favorites so I can come back to the basics when I need it
Thanks, Callie!
annie.fisher.esq@gmail.com says
Great class, Callie. You know I love me some “It’s the Small Things” class! Loved the warm up and really intense arms. Appreciate the little abs section at the end too.
Erica Roccia says
Great class! I love basic, challenging classes!!!
Lindsay Leva says
Great way to start my monday! Arms are ded.
stacey.kane2@gmail.com says
great playlist!