Join Ebony for a full body barre class that will give you that classic barre burn while celebrating Black History Month. You will find yourself grooving to her playlist too – a mix of old school and new school classics!
Reader Interactions
Ebony B
Class Length:
48 Minutes
What You'll Need:
- mat
- small weights
- barre or chair
Workout Level:
all levels
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Maddy Kubik says
I loved your class! Thank you for a great work out! says
Great class! Thanks, Ebony!
Karen Anderson says
Great class! My inner thighs were burning!
Charlotte Merrick says
This class was so good!!
Joey Ryan says
Great class, thanks Ebony!

Lindsay Leva says
Holy thighs and tris! Great class. Also I’m totally in for an all Prince dancey barre class.
Holly Niederriter says
Thank you, Ebony. Great class! I did it yesterday and thought, “that was tough but not over the top”. I am feeling it today, though – very sneaky :). Loved the playlist, too. says
loved this class! can’t wait to take more classes with you ebony! says
Great class!! Thanks.
Lindsay Carpenter says
Ebony! Great class with great music!
good workout as always