Join Callie for a tush-focused shred! We jump right in for a long barre series and then move onto our mat for core and an extraaaa long bridge series. Callie “leg-tures” us to listen to our bodies throughout! Also, learn why she has given up the internet.
Sorry in advance for this one says
Wonderful bum workout today

. Also, I think our work choices should make us happy…not being in typical 9-5 is not irresponsible. My grandmother would tell me it’s irresponsible not to be true to yourself. So do what is going to bring you joy
…be fabulous
Callie K says
You made my whole week! Your grandma is so wise and I need to listen to her
thanks Dee
Hope the bum is feeling strong
Erica Roccia says
Great class, Callie!
Social media can be
. I’ve slowly cut ties with “friends” over their social media fakeness and hate says
Tush was on fire! Great workout!! Royalty free music takes me waaaay back.
Callie K says
Hahaha we’d rather forget those days
Glad you liked the tush burn!