Dust off the ol’ sliders and get ready for some Elton and Harry. Class starts with a feel-good warmup before we move into death by arms. The barre series is…something we will not speak of again, but we promise the core work at the end is fun and kinda cool. Sorry in advance.
Reader Interactions
Callie K
Class Length:
50 Minutes
What You'll Need:
- small weights
- ball
- sliders
- barre or chair
Workout Level:
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lindsey.sturges@gmail.com says
Great arm series – felt like I did all the things
. Also the core part was neat!
Hallie F says
This was so different and so fun! Killer abs!!! Thanks Callie!
Lewis.leanne@hotmail.com says
Callie! Great class. BTW I have been silently quitting for 4 years and quite honestly I am proud of doing my job whilst also setting healthy boundaries for myself.
Workplace toxicity will 100 percent result in stress and inflammation in the body which will lead to illness. People that think working over over over over time and expecting their body to deal, unfortunately have this very wrong.
Not to mention all the time missed for other things in this precious life!!!
Stephanie Lamb says
everytime I think I’ve done ever class on here I snoop around and find gems like this. love love love