Join Callie for a shred that includes some dancin’! Your thighs may die (how many pulses are there and why does Callie not know how to count?!), but this class will leave you in a good mood! PS – do you tuck in the shirt or leave it out?
Reader Interactions
Callie K
Class Length:
53 Minutes
What You'll Need:
- mat
- small weights
- ball
- barre or chair
Workout Level:
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Yeah! I love this class thank you, Callie!
I can’t get enough of SHRED!
Lindsay Leva says
I may have muttered a lot of obscenities during this class, but like in the best way possible of course. Also if you don’t cry during my octopus friend, there’s something wrong.
MariaLisa Itzoe says
Callie! You. Are. Amazing. (and possibly my hero), even though I haven’t met you in person (I’m a Tuck joiner from the pandemic and haven’t made it to an in-person class yet). I love love LOVE your energy and enthusiasm and you always make me smile. I’m about to graduate med school and start internal medicine residency at Pennsylvania Hospital and I CAN’T WAIT to come to an in-person class. But, meanwhile I just had to tell you how much I look forward to coming home after being at the hospital all day, taking your classes, and listening/laughing with your stories. Thank you for being awesome.
p.s.- I now need to watch my octopus friend with a box of tissues.
MariaLisa Itzoe says
oops, I got so excited I forgot to actually ask my question: I had to pause this quite a few times for like 20 second breaks. then I got back into it. is that normal/ok? lol.
Callie K says
Yes, totally normal! I do that in every class I take. You take breaks and come back when you feel refreshed!