Join Callie in her house dress for a shred to remember! We’ll do extra butt stuff during warmup and get a serious burn at the barre. You will also hear a new impression and have the chance to do yours! Get excited for the core at the end…it’s juicy.
Reader Interactions
Callie K
Class Length:
56 Minutes
What You'll Need:
- mat
- small weights
- resistance band
- barre or chair
Workout Level:
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Great class! So sweaty!! Everything was shaking at the end!!
Callie K says
yay!! glad you liked it! hope your butt and hips are happy says
Haha Callie I love your classes because, while it’s super challenging and my body is crying, your random stories and humor help distract me enough from my pain that I can get through it. Meow!! says
Love the “eagle” abs at the end! Thanks for another shakey/ sweaty session!
Joey Ryan says
Way past Thanksgiving but thanks for the laughs amongst the shakes! Fun!