When Julia found barre, she was immediately struck by the way it seamlessly integrates strengthening, toning, and flexibility movements into an energetic workout that can be modified to meet every body’s needs. Now a couple years later, she is still endlessly thrilled by how barre leaves her feeling empowered, stronger, and excited to learn more! Julia trained to become a certified barre instructor at Tuck so that she can share the unique power of barre with others. As a community nutrition educator by day, Julia is passionate about the intersections of what we do, what we eat, and how we feel. In what can seem like endlessly busy days, Julia dares you to take a minute to take care of yourself and dive into barre classes that are designed to keep you moving and feeling good, while giving you a chance to challenge yourself. Julia’s goal is that her classes leave you feeling fulfilled, healthier, happier, and motivated to barre again!