Join Callie for a quick, 20 minute heart-beating sweat sesh. You’ll just use light weights and have the MOST fun.
Reader Interactions
Callie K
Class Length:
19 Minutes
What You'll Need:
- small weights
Workout Level:
all levels
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umm i love leftovers for breakfast lol and this class was great!
Callie K says
Mmm leftovers. Very efficient Stace, I like it. Also I’m teaching sun at wash west – can you make it?! Pweaseeeeee says
Such a fun class! Just what I needed for a mid day Thursday break! says
I just really dig this sequence! I’m feeling like I might add some kicks for funsies if I do it again
Callie K says
I like where your head is at!
Corey R says
super fun as always, callie. thank you! i’m a fruit and nut butter for breakfast kinda gal.
and coffee. always coffee.
Callie K says
Ooh i like that idea! I will try this week instead of my usual biscuits