Join Callie for a class focused on the “burn”. We will spend more time in tension, so it might feel like your whole body is on fire. You’ll need a nap after this one.
Reader Interactions
Callie K
Class Length:
53 Minutes
What You'll Need:
- mat
- small weights
- ball
- barre or chair
Workout Level:
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Ooh hello inner thighs and butt – this class was so good!!!
Thanks Molly hahah, I really enjoyed the intensity, love a hard class.
Callie K says
Haha glad you liked it, Lea! Also need more pics of cooper plz says
Hehe… 100 percent Im setting up his own Instagram!! This class was brilliant, my thighs are still aching xxx says
I finished this class 10 minutes ago and I am still on the ground. Send help
Callie K says
Finished a week ago and still can’t quite sit comfortably
inner thighs ded says
Ok. It was definitely hard.
Callie K says
Blame MOLLY!!
Karen Anderson says
Wow seriously. Just wow. Great class!
Callie K says
Haha im glad you liked it/are still alive says
Wow – Wonderful and intense class. I was so dead by the end I had to physically move my legs into the figure four to stretch at the end. I thought the arms were the push-ups, and then we did arms. I had to drop my weights which is rare for me. What is that mash-up song with Islands in the stream combined with a hip-hop song? I need to download it ASAP.
Callie K says
The arms were stupid terrible. I wanted to pop the ball after! Not sure of song but here’s a link to playlist – says
Just getting back to full workouts after hip replacement. This was fantastic Callie. Thanks!
Callie K says
Glad you liked it!! Hope you are feeling better says
I probably won’t be able to move my legs tomorrow! And for the record, I am the one in my family that forced everyone to watch Mortal Kombat!!
Catherine Callahan says
Jon and I watched Mortal Combat too!!! It was everything we wanted. I think your kitties were inspired by the movie because there was some smack down going on behind you. Thank you! great class