Miracles do come true! Jim graces us with his presence in this thigh, glute, core and shoulder burning class. No squishy ball? A roll of paper towels works just as well. Be prepared for your body to be sore tomorrow. And the next day.
Reader Interactions
Ann T
Class Length:
49 Minutes
What You'll Need:
- mat
- small weights
- ball
- barre or chair
Workout Level:
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annie.fisher.esq@gmail.com says
Great class as usual, Ann!
Ann says
Thanks Annie!
sastaiano@gmail.com says
I wasn’t that interested in needing my butt tomorrow- thanks Ann!
Ann says
who needs a butt anyways! haha
EAM5611@gmail.com says
One of the worst (best) ever! Thanks for the challenge
Ann says
haha love worst/best. thanks for taking class!
Lewis.leanne@hotmail.com says
Loved this class! Thanks Ann

Ann says
so glad!
meghanpollysmith@yahoo.com says
My butt may deflate my squishy ball in protest after this one.